
Tom & Lucy

Today I said goodbye to Tom (@tomica_kristic, Croatia) and Lucy (@lostmymindinnature, Vietnam) who stayed for 3 nights after a tireless period of fruit picking.

They shared with me some beautiful music, delicious blueberries, fried rice and curry. Together we planted some seedlings, chatted about different ways to eat purslane, and swapped stories about far-away places. At the end, Lucy left me with her guitar which no doubt will bring more joy to this place into the future.

Lucy and Tom are both creative & kind souls – they wrote some kind words and made a small video tour of the bushblock! Follow their travels here: Tomica Kristic – Journey to Middle-earth

Words: @tomica_kristic
 ????& Video: @lostmymindinnature
Translation: @mr_korps


We left the farm and were going to hitchhike to Sydney. The farm boss was driving us to a town 20 km away, where we were supposed to start hitchhiking.

But, you know, after one month of hard labour on the farm, we could really use some two days to rest our bodies and prepare our minds for the journey ahead, instead of switching from farming mode to on-the-road mode overnight. It’s too much of a contrast, too great of a shock. We were looking for couchsurfers in the area, we sent some requests but got no answer.

And then magic happened.

At the precise moment when the boss left us on the road, a girl contacted us to tell us she can accommodate us, and in the exact location we had just arrived at. Unbelievable. She arrived after 10 minutes with a huge car and took us 3 km down the road to her home, which is hidden in the bush and isolated from everything, and which she had bought a few years before.

Funny thing is that we never lifted our thumbs, we didn’t even put our backpacks on, and we were already safe, on a small isolated farm, perfect for a two-day rest, just as we wanted.

Susan bought this remote property a few years ago and completely renovated it. She fixed up the house, transformed the bush into a yard, brought a caravan, which is where she accommodated us. She is helped by backpackers and Workaway volunteers who travel around.

After settling us in and explaining to us all the wheres, hows and whys, she disappeared for a day and left the whole property for us to use; the house she never even locks, the caravan and the yard. After knowing us for a mere couple of hours, she left us EVERYTHING. Isn’t that wonderful? That kind of trust? If that kind of trust existed among all people, life on Earth would be perfect.

Long story short, I present to you the caravan, our temporary Couchsurfing home ????