
Month 1 : Making a mark

September 2016

Mum and I started by cleaning the house from top to bottom, including removing the furniture and bric-a-brac that filled every corner. My Dad and brother Paul installed some double gates recycled from another part of the property. We weeded, pruned, cut down and cleaned up.

On the first bush walk of many, Dad spots his nemesis — the Sydney golden wattle (Acacia longifolia) — and its removal became our top priority. At the end of the day we enjoyed the instant gratification of igniting the neglected heap of rubbish left by the previous owners.

Some friends visited with a picnic and helped clear a nice area down by the wetland. The wetland’s water level continues to rise, so we construct a makeshift ‘bridge’ to the bird hide and jetty. At the end of the week, we had the first big co-ordinated clean-up. Read about it here.

In the following weeks I began to figure out the rabbit warren of services, including the gas, electricity (solar and mains) and water. I learnt the intricacies of priming the bore pump and how to fix leaking irrigation lines. All plumbed water on the property is fed by the bore (doh!) and the bore water quality seemed to be in decline. Cue the first major project — 50 shades of brown.

My friend Nick, an avid gardener, came to stay the night. Together we cleaned up more fencing and heaped up more wood and rubbish to burn. We prepared a compost and weeded the old vegetable garden to make way for some new plants. Nick cooked an epic meal using an old Weber on coals.

In between jobs I started rescuing and repotting plants including old bromeliads and succulents and I’ve planned a visit to my favourite Kings Park in Perth for some garden inspiration.

When all the visitors have left and the excitement died down, I kayaked around the wetland. Away from the growing mess and mountains of work, I realised how lucky I am.


Prepping the gates and dead tree surgery.


Fire & Water: exposing leaking pipes and bonfires, all in a days work.




Reviving the old / new veggie patch.
